Birth -11 mon.
by 3 months your baby should
calm or smile at your voice
coo (vowel sounds such as ooo, aaa, eee)
smile at people
different cries for different needs
by 6 months
notice music and toys that make sounds
respond to different tones of voice (ex.: scolding vs. excitement)
uses their voice to express feelings (sounds happy, mad, sad, etc.)
babbles (bu, po, ma)
coos and babbles when alone or when playing with you
by 1 year
stops and turns when name is called
looks in the direction you are pointing
responds to words/short phrases, "No, want up, more"
understands common words such as "milk, juice, bites, ball"
plays peek-a-boo or other similar games with you
produces strings of babble (momo bibi dada)
uses voice and gestures to get needs met
some gestures such as waving, raising arms to be picked up, nodding or shaking head